Pure moments
April 2023

May 2023 - Water games

The Otta is a mighty Norwegian river that takes on a unique turquoise hue due to rock particles scoured by glaciers as it makes its way down to the sea.

May 2023 - Water games
The Otta is a mighty river that takes on a unique turquoise hue due to eroded rock particles as it makes its way down to the sea.

That Norway is rich in water is probably known to many people. Lakes, rivers, fjords, ponds, bogs and, of course, the many hundreds of kilometers of coastline on the Atlantic, North and Baltic Seas – the water diversity is endless, so to speak.

And yet the Otta River, which makes its way through the fjell landscape on the edge of Jotunheimen National Park, Breheimen National Park and Reinheimen National Park, stands out once again from this multitude of waters. This is due to its striking turquoise water, which makes the river appear almost somewhat unnatural, depending on the light and the surroundings. Rock particles, which are abraded from rocks by the glaciers, are responsible for this coloration. The Otta has its origin in various smaller and larger tributaries, some of which are fed by the glaciers of the Jostedalsbreen. Through an extensive network of waterways, the waters eventually reach the Oslofjord and thus the sea.

West of Lom, the river flows through an impressive fjell-like landscape dominated by long, flat mountain ridges. Again and again there are idyllic places where you can get to the water and watch and listen to the roar of the water masses. Anyone traveling in this area should definitely take some time to marvel at this unique landscape.

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