Standing in the valley, every mountain peak seems almost unreachable. Looking down from the summit, every valley seems infinitely far away. There are worlds in between, which we can travel and discover with perseverance, stamina and technical excellence.
Falko Burghausen
Making the invisible visible
Already owned one of those typical "I'll just press the button" cameras as a teenager, later studied computer science and spent more than 15 years in the IT industry. His interest in digital devices led to his first full-frame camera - and in order to justify this purchase to his partner, he inevitably had to familiarize himself with professional photography. As Falko also enjoys spending a lot of time in nature and the mountains, he took his photographic equipment with him more and more often and developed into an aspiring landscape and sports photographer with a love of detail and a penchant for perfection.
He shares his years of experience as a trail running guide (esa Trail Running and Mountain Running Guide, certified by Swiss Athletics) in our running courses with like-minded people who are also looking for the perfect flow on a run in the mountains.